Thursday, September 8, 2011

Stac Wide Web

When STAC was initially given the mural assignment, I couldn't of cared less about the meaning of it. I was sure Luke had something great and meaningful to tie it all together with, but I was so engulfed by the image of the project that the value of it had become completely secondary. I had envisioned this beautiful, huge, web of words that was completely neat but completely messy at the same time. I imagined the words to be much larger, and to be planned out better and more uniformly. In my head it was this gorgeous thing of epic proportions that at first overwhelmed the viewer so much that it seemed impossible to read, but once the reading would actually begin it would become a simple task. I imagined something that you would see as a museum display.
Reality was far from imagination. Reality was chaos in differently sized and spaced words. Reality was writing that overwhelmed you not only as you look at it but also as you plunged into reading it. But I think reality might of been a lot more fulfilling.
If we really did spend the time to make it perfect - to use the stencils, and organize our thoughts, and create the layout - it may of not had the same affect. The way we did it allowed us to go into ourselves to see why we like the things we like, find connections, reasons, and more connections, and then some connections with other STACies. It was satisfying.
My imagination would of brought another kind of satisfaction - the kind of satisfaction that would of been more "factory" driven. The satisfaction of something beautiful. Reality brought the satisfaction of discovery.


  1. Good post - good good good post. So, it was actually Laboratory after all, huh?

    It is very hard to chase an image in your head, isn't it?

    Now, if we wanted to make this thing be Factory, we'd have to make a lot more decisions, add restrictions, and we would find ourselves moving along the continuum of research/plan<--->abandon/improvise towards the left, while today we were over more on the right (side of our brains/continuum).

    I think for what you want to do, PR, which is very Factory, the trick will be to see the restrictions needed before doing any Laboratory. Does that make sense?

  2. I think so... crazy publicity stunt with rules?

  3. I agree with you- I thought that this task would come out orderly and museum and I was so caught up with how it would look that I didn't really understand the quality or it all.

    After looking at it more and more as the days go by, I'm starting to like it.

  4. Exactly - Crazy publicity stunt with rules. Calculated publicity stunt.

  5. but I was so engulfed by the image of the project that the value of it had become completely secondary.

    i truly and honestly agree fully and i am still unsure of the point of the project, but it was beautiful. I do want some clearity on the point of the project so it still hasn't become secondary to me.
