Thursday, September 17, 2009

"To live is so startling it leaves little time for anything else."

Only a week in and I haven't wrote anything for this blog except for my delish recipe for Julianna. It's not because I'm lazy or just hate blogging, it's because I've managed to overcommit myself to everything I can. I manage to get myself in the same situation every year. The situation where I do every sport I like, join every club I see, and ace every class there is. It sounds impossible. I've learned, the hard way I might add, that it is impossible. I can't do everything I want to do. It's just not reasonable, and after a certain point it's just selfish to keep trying.

Freshman year was a big kick in the ass. The days of easy A's and laid back practices we're over. Everything I wanted, I had to work for. And I had to work hard. I ended middle school with a 3.8 average and a spot on Junior National Honor Society. I ended freshman year with a 3.5. I didn't play lacrosse last year because I realized a sport that needs that much commitment (especially as the goalie) wouldn't work out with a hectic dance schedule. I didn't get to spend every moment out and about enjoying myself because I had to do school work to maintain that 3.5 and be able to have time to focus on dance and cheerleading.

I realize it's not going to get easier from here. It's just going to get harder (until I finally kick back and relax in my condo in Florida at age 60). Junior year is inching up, getting closer and closer to me by the second. Then senior year, filled with pre-college stress and post-graduation goodbyes. I expect college to kick my ass as well. Then comes years of work work work as my reward.

Wait, what am I doing all this for?

That condo in Boca isn't looking too hot anymore.


  1. Ah, you are starting to ask the big questions...

  2. The thing is, Cassie, I really think all these goals are good for me. Without them I would just let everything go, I definitely work better under pressure. It's just all the stress that pressure brings that is a problem.

    As for Boca, that's exactly what I was thinking of when I wrote that! Why doesn't Ma just move to Boca already, Mr. Sheffield?
