Sunday, November 14, 2010


It's a major character flaw, and it comes in the way of almost everything I want. I won't give you any of that "take me or leave me" bullshit because I'm almost positive that there's another version of me walking the streets, and if that version of me isn't a procrastinator I would probably take her and leave me.
It's not something I like. I hate it. I spend days procrastinating - watching movies I've never really wanted to see or online shopping for shoes I really don't need. I can't even enjoy these meaningless tasks because the whole time I'm thinking of the essay I should be writing or the book i should be reading (erm, The Empty Space).
It's a horrible disorder that I would not wish upon anyone. After you've wasted a large amount of time, you try and squeeze days worth of work into three hours (usually from about 1 AM - 4 AM). You stress yourself out for weeks worrying about when you're going to get off your ass and start, and then you end the process with a truck full of "THIS NEEDS TO GET DONE NOW."
It's in my way. Step One - rid procrastination. Step Two - take over the world. That's really all there is to it.


  1. ...I just found this post while putting off a paper. just want you to know you're not alone and you can do this!
    also, (i'm pretty sure you have a mac) google "self control app" it can probably help.

  2. " Step One - rid procrastination. Step Two - take over the world. That's really all there is to it."

    This is a t-shirt slogan!

  3. Get your procrastination issues out of the way now. It only gets worse, I promise.
