Monday, November 29, 2010

Not "living in the past" was brought up today. I thought, Hey! Maybe I am living in the past!
I'm not living in the past. When I really thought about it, none of my recent behavior indicates me living in the past. So what didn't make sense is why I was so quick to believe that I was.
You know why I kept telling myself that was the reason? It's because I wanted to give myself a reason, any reason, for my recent behavior. You could of told me I was sad because my pet gargoyle died and angry because my evil step-mother is the one who killed it, and I may have believed you. I ignore the fact that I don't have a pet gargoyle or a evil step-mother (or even a regular step-mother) and I give myself a reason.
It's been a shit year so far. I've been denying it for weeks, but it's true. I've just kind of been in a slump, and I wish I knew what put me in it. Knowing why things happen doesn't necessarily make it a whole lot easier to fix anything, but when you have a reason for why things are the way they are you're at least assured that you're not going insane.

Well, maybe all this over analyzation of my own mind is what's going to drive me insane.

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