Monday, December 13, 2010

Junior Year

The last year of grades that gets sent into colleges. SAT scores. Final GPAs. Decisions, decisions, decisions. Junior fucking year.
Ironic that the girl who could tell you exactly what she wanted and how she was going to get it in fifth grade no longer knows. It's not a matter of so many options being in front of me. It's a matter of me becoming to realistic for my own good; I've become so realistic that my idea of realistic is closer to plain old pessimistic. It sounds terribly corny and stupid, but everything went south when I started believing that I couldn't be what I wanted to be.
Seems like the joke was on me. I can be whatever I want to be, and I just lost three months of the most important year of my high school career trying to re-learn that I could be whatever I want to be (something I knew once before).
I think it's how close college is, how close the "real world" is, to me that is making me go crazy. The best advice I can give to any freshman and sophomore is to take care of yourself academically, creatively, and socially those first two years of high school. When you're a junior, don't get caught up in being a junior. Realize that you were doing fine all through out high school and junior year is not that much different from what you've already done. If you let junior year become this mystical force you're just going to screw yourself over.

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