What I love most about the STAC trips is talking about it next day. No matter who I'm talking to, whether it's a friend or a parent or a teacher, his or her jaw drops when they hear me speak. You learn so much on these trips that you surprise yourself.
This year, I found myself at iHop with my dad the morning after the trip. After 20 minutes of talking about the chiropractor appointment that we just came from my dad asked me how the trip went. I went beyond the usual teenage answer of "good" and told him everything from MoMA to the social experiment I performed with my group to La Cage Aux Folles. Every word I said shocked me and him, although you think we'd get used to it since this is not the first time I've shocked the both of us with my knowledge of art.
Bottom line, when it comes to drawing and painting, I've always been short on talent. I came into STAC loving art but never being able to create my own. I still can't really create, but my appreciation for art grew a whole lot when I began to say more than "pretty colors" for each painting.
Well, we'll have to work on that "Create Your Own" thang, won't we?