Sunday, September 19, 2010


Design. It's something you see everyday. Whether you're a physicist or the artist himself you must encounter. There is no escaping design.

And personally, I have no desire to escape design. It's what gives life flavor. You can look at the same design five different ways, altering its mood and identity with each alternative perception. I used this concept while taking photos for my psycho-geography project.

Interior design is one of my favorite forms of design. I always walk towards the prettiest part of the room, the most demanding piece of furniture, the loudest wall color. I often look at a piece and imagine ways to work it into different rooms, just to see how many ways I can think of.

For this project I took photos of furniture or decorative objects that are curved. Either the piece itself is round or the elements within it. Not the very distinct feeling in each photos. While all pieces are circular and many have similar designs, they all have their own feel when in different rooms. Some feel very traditional, some feel eclectic, and some feel undeniably modern.

While some of these pieces seem to be too much on the extreme side of the spectrum to work in any other kind of room, I really wonder how true that is. Maybe next photo project I'll carry around a piece that looks so incredibly traditional that it's almost impossible to imagine it in a non-traditional room and take photos with it in all different kinds of rooms. The pieces attitude may change completely.

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